Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bear sighted near Kitsap Lake

According to Patty Glaser, spokesman for the Bremerton School District, a mother bear and cubs were seen "in the Kitsap Lake area."

Authorities at Washington State Fish and Wildlife were contacted and students will be kept in doors today, she said.

"They were not seen on school property but in the general area," Glaser added. "One of the many perks of living in the Great Northwest!"

Kitsap Lake Principal Flint Walpole spoke with an officer from Fish and Wildlife late this afternoon and was told bears will be moving around this time of year foraging for food and the bears will most likely be seen in the mornings and evenings as during the day they tend to avoid noises and humans, according to Glaser.

Fish and Wildlife will be putting a trap in the area to try to catch the bears that are here. They report there is likely more than just one set and if he clears out at least one or two it will leave room for the rest thus making them more scarce.

According to Fish and Wildlife officials, there is nothing to fear from these bears because they are pretty skittish.

"The safety of our students is always our top priority and helping students to understand how to protect themselves in rural settings will continue to be discussed," Glaser said in an email.